CASA is the Court Appointed Special Advocate program. CASA is a child advocacy organization that seeks to provide trained volunteers to speak for abused and neglected children who are the subjects of juvenile court proceedings. CASA volunteers advocate for safe, permanent homes for children.
CASA began in 1977 in Seattle, Washington by Judge David Soukup who saw the need for more information on cases involving children in his court. The Social Services and Legal systems were overburdened and CASA was created to assist in obtaining information and providing follow up monitoring of court orders.
The National CASA Association was founded in 1982 and provides technical assistance and national leadership to local programs across the country. The CASA concept is endorsed by American Bar Association, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators. Today there are over 900 CASA programs in the United States that serve over 225,000 children with more than 50,000 CASA volunteers.
NORTHERN NECK CASA was incorporated in July of 2001 and is a private non-profit 501(c) 3 organization. The Honorable J. Maston Davis, was the Judge at the time of incorporation and remained until his retirement in November of 2008.
The Honorable William L. Lewis is the Juvenile and Domestic Court Judge for the Fifteenth Judicial District. As a former attorney in Tappahannock Virginia he had extensive experience with adoptions, guardianships and child custody issues.
NNCASA is governed by a Board of Directors. Daily operations are handled by a Director, a Volunteer Coordinator and a Program Assistant.